
Largest clinical library - 15000+ fully narrated, evidence-based exercise videos
Ready-to-use with 400+ exercise templates & educational articles.
Easy to find content - using Physitrack AI Algorithmic search
Unlimited printed exercise program
Customized exercise program in line with your patients needs

Small Clinics

1-20 practitioners
Everything in Free Version, plus
Unlimited exercise programs for unlimited patients - in print, web, iOS, and Android
Monitor and track your patients with intuitive tools
Unlimited outcome measures and educational material
Create, upload and share your own content
Stay connected with your patient via free Telehealth or text
Streamlined workflows through one of our 100+ integrated EMR partners
Best in class certified and audited security and privacy

Mid-Size Clinics

20+ practitioners
Everything in Small Clinics, plus
FREE Admin accounts to manage licenses and settings
Easy access to management information
Upload and share custom content with your team
Free Training & Certification Course for your users
Add your own logo to your patients’ PhysiApp

For Institutions

100+ practitioners
Custom pricing
Everything in Mid-Size Clinics, plus
Custom Patient App in the App Stores (Optional)
Onboarding with questionnaires for patients prior to their first visit (Optional)
One-click program sharing for multiple patients at once
Access to management information and tools to analyse clinical outcomes data

What if Exercise Prescription Could be Even Faster?

Sometimes you just need to assign a program as quickly as possible. Introducing Physitrack’s EasyAssign: assign programs directly from the basket, with no exercise parameters, just one brief instruction, you can customize to the patient's individual needs. But how does it work? Let’s find out.

Breaking Boundaries: The Fusion of Physiotherapy and AI

In the dynamic world of physiotherapy, technological advancements continue to shape the landscape of patient care. While there is a healthy resistance towards AI and its implications, AI has a lot to offer, which we might not fully grasp yet.

Physiotherapy Meets Mental Health: A Mindful Approach to Recovery

In the world of physical rehabilitation, the focus often remains on tangible healing aspects like exercises and treatments. However, recovery isn't just about repairing the body; it's about supporting the mind as well.

Image from Movement Clinic

Movement Clinic to enable movement for a greater purpose

The Movement Clinic is always looking at ways to improve their clients' recovery. With Physitrack, they took a step closer to helping clients achieve better well-being and movement.

Image from Movement Clinic

Movement Clinic to enable movement for a greater purpose

The Movement Clinic is always looking at ways to improve their patient's recovery. With Physitrack, they took a step closer to helping patients achieve better well-being and movement.

> 1100

number of employees


year since using Physitrack

> 12,000

operations per year

Image from Movement Clinic

Movement Clinic to enable movement for a greater purpose

The Movement Clinic is always looking at ways to improve their patient's recovery. With Physitrack, they took a step closer to helping patients achieve better well-being and movement.

> 1100

number of employees


year since using Physitrack

> 12,000

operations per year

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Frequently asked questions

Do I have to pay one-off registration or starting costs?

At Physitrack all is included in the monthly pricing, so there are no one-off or starting costs;

Can I share licenses or work with more than one practitioner on a license?

Every individual practitioner inside your clinic requires a separate Physitrack license. You can easily set up sharing relationships to enable colleagues to work with the same patient or share content among colleagues or teams.

What cancellation period do you apply?

Physitrack subscriptions can be cancelled on a monthly basis. If you cancel within a given month, we will end your subscription at the end of that month.

Can I easily switch licenses between practitioners?

You can easily switch licenses inside your clinic, for example with a (temporary) change of personnel.

Can I get a discount?

We offer discounts in various ways, often via physiotherapy associations or EMR providers. Are you part of a big organisation? Then contact us directly via as we might be able to provide a volume discount to your situation.

Still have questions?

Our team is happy to provide you with the answers you need.

Ready to start?

Join thousands of satisfied practitioners and take your practice to the next level. Your perfect solution to support the entire client journey. All in one app.

Exercise prescription
Outcome data gathering to aid your analysis
Telehealth and messaging